Master Chief Dax Burgrabe
Master Chief Dax Burgrabe assumed the duties as Command Master Chief of Sector Corpus Christi, Texas in June 2023. As the Command Senior Enlisted Leader, his primary responsibility is to advise the Sector Commander and all personnel attached within the Sector Corpus Christi AOR, on matters impacting the workforce and their families. Most recently, Master Chief Burgrabe, served as the Officer in Charge of CGC CLAMP, homeported in Galveston, TX where his primary mission was to service and build aids to navigation throughout the Houston Ship Channel and adjacent waterways.
Master Chief Burgrabe’s previous assignments include Officer in Charge, Aids to Navigation Team, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Officer in Charge, Aids to Navigation Team, Eufaula, AL; Operations Petty Officer, CGC ALDER, Duluth, MN; Operations Petty Officer, Aids to Navigation Team New York, Bayonne, NJ; First Lieutenant, CGC SEAHAWK, Carrabelle, FL; Deck Seaman, CGC SHERMAN, Alameda, CA.
Master Chief Burgrabe is a graduate of the Senior Enlisted Leadership Course (SELC), Class 93, where he earned the Cesar Romero Exceptional Shipmate award and the Chief Petty Officer’s Academy, Class 242, where he earned the Spirit of the Chief Award. He is also a graduate of various service schools including multiple National Aids to Navigation (NATON) schools, Boat Forces Command Cadre School, and Prospective Commanding Officer/Executive Officer (PCO/PXO) Afloat School, Class 01-19, where he earned the Newcomb Award.
Originally from Herrin, Illinois, Master Chief Burgrabe enlisted in the United States Coast Guard in September 2004. His personal awards include five Commendation Medals, two Coast Guard Achievement Medals, and three Coast Guard Letters of Commendation Ribbons, all with the operational distinguishing device. In addition to various other personal and unit level awards, he wears the Officer in Charge Afloat and Ashore devices for Aids to Navigation Specialties, and the Permanent Cutterman and Coxswain Insignias.