Sector Corpus Christi


People ¤ Mission Execution ¤ Proficiency


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Captain Torrey Bertheau


Captain Bertheau reports aboard from his most recent assignment as Chief of Contingency Planning at Eighth Coast Guard District in New Orleans, LA where he was responsible for directing Emergency Management and Integrated Preparedness, Marine Transportation System (MTS) Recovery/Salvage, National Port Readiness and Port Security Grant programs for District 8, which includes 26 states and Gulf of Mexico.

Captain Bertheau’s field assignments include

Chief of the Response Operations at Sector Puget Sound in Seattle, WA, Chief of Enforcement at Sector Columbia River in Astoria, OR, Officer in Charge of Law Enforcement Detachment  (LEDET) 102 at Pacific Tactical Law Enforcement Team (PACTACLET) in San Diego, CA and as Deck Watch Officer aboard USCGC HAMILTON (WHEC-715). As a drilling reservist for Sector Corpus Christi, Captain Bertheau also served as U.S. Border Patrol Agent along the southern border based out of Laredo, TX and returned to active duty in 2010.

CAPT Bertheau’s staff assignments include Eighth Coast Guard District, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters as Chief of the Anti-terrorism Division in the Office of Maritime Security Response Policy (CG-MSR), Coast Guard Atlantic Area as a Command Duty Officer, and Coast Guard Operations Command (OPCOM-33) as a Law Enforcement and Ports,Waterways, and Coastal Security watchstander.

Captain Bertheau earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Spanish from Centenary College of Louisiana and graduated from Coast Guard Officer Candidate School in 2003. He completed the Fleet Seminar Program in 2019, earning a Master’s Degree in Defense and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College.

CAPT Bertheau’s personal awards include Coast Guard Meritorious Service Medal (2), the Coast Guard Commendation Medal (4), Coast Guard Achievement Medal (2), the Commandant’s Letter of Commendation ribbon, Iraqi Campaign Medal, and several unit and team awards.

Captain Bertheau is a native of Lake Jackson, Texas. He and his wife, Ginna have three children, Madeleine, Natalie, and Julian.