The Sector employs 1562 active duty, civilian, and reserve personnel across the Sector, 3 Marine Safety Units, 5 Multi-Mission Small Boat Stations, 2 Aids to Navigations Stations, and 6 Coast Guard Cutters to ensure the safety and security of the area. The Sector Houston Galveston area of responsibility is a strategic and economically vital part of the nation’s economic security. The Greater Galveston Bay and Golden Triangle Port Complexes encompass 5 of the 20 busiest ports to include the Ports of Houston (largest port in the nation with 268 million tons/year), Beaumont (4rd single largest), Lake Charles (12th), Texas City (15th), Port Arthur (17th), Freeport, and Galveston as well as 247 miles of Gulf Intracoastal Waterways. Together these ports and waterways account for 25% of the total U.S. tonnage by ships and contribute over $1 Trillion to nation’s economy. These ports include the nation’s top 3 largest refineries, the 4th busiest cruise ship port, 57% of the Nations’ strategic petroleum reserves, and a 56 square nautical mile National Marine Sanctuary. Because of the size of the industry in area, there are two separate Captain of the Port zones Houston and Port Arthur. Since the start of 2019, the Sector has responded to three Type 1 Incidents that included a facility fire, hurricanes, and vessel collisions and a transportation security incident. Additionally, these crews performed 375 Search and Rescue cases, protected $7,343,096 of property, and continuously strengthened relationships with partners across the AOR through jointly coordinated efforts for the secure transport of maritime cargo, protection of maritime resources, and responses to manmade and natural disasters.
One team united in serving the American public; dedicated to becoming the flagship Sector of the U.S. Coast Guard in mission execution.
U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston ensures the safety, security, and stewardship of the Marine Transportation System against all hazards and threats through a diverse team focused on people, proficiency, professionalism, preparation, and partnerships.
Guiding Principles
The 5 Guiding Principles or “5Ps” help define how we make decisions and set priorities to remain the best. The fundamental purpose of the Guiding principles is not to list every expectation but to identify the overarching “watch words” to ensure we protect our people, understand our jobs, and improve our performance every day in performing the Coast Guard’s many missions for the American public.
- People
- Proficiency
- Professionalism
- Preparation
- Partnerships
Area of Responsibility
Sector Houston-Galveston encompasses an area extending from the east bank of the Colorado River in southwest Texas to 60 miles east of Lake Charles, Louisiana. The Sector’s northern boundary aligns with the Texas- Oklahoma border and encompasses Lake Texoma. The southern border extends 200 miles offshore to the seaward extent of the U.S. exclusive economic zone. The unit includes two separate Captain of the Port (COTP) zones and major maritime centers including Houston, Beaumont, Lake Charles, Texas City, Port Arthur, Freeport and Galveston.

WPB (87’ Protector Class Patrol Boat)
WLIC (75’ Inland Construction Tender with 143’ barge)
WPC (154’ Fast Response Cutter) DISTRICT ASSET
WLM (175’Coastal Buoy Tender) DISTRICT ASSET
Small Boats
RB-M (45’ Response Boat – Medium)
BS-II (29’ Response Boat – Small)
TANB (26’ Trailerable ATON Boat)
Flood Punt (16’ John Boat for swift water recovery)
MH-65 (Dolphin Short Rang Recovery Helicopter) DISTRICT ASSET
Annual Workload and Results
- 410 Search and Rescue cases; 742 lives saved/assisted, $7,965,138 property protected
- 18 Major Incident Responses; 3 type I events
- 501 Marine Environmental Response cases; 155 enforcement action taken, 16 federalized
- 7,745 Law Enforcement Boardings; 398 enforcement actions taken, $166,100 penalties/seizures
- 246,703 Vessel Transits Coordinated; 12 port condition changes; 22 days of port closure
- 510 Marine Casualties Investigated; 212 licensed mariner actions (69 suspensions/revocations)
- 4,297 Vessel Inspections and 1,209 Facility Exams conducted
- 886 Aids to Navigation Serviced (discrepancies and annual service)