Commander Michael A. Nalli
United States Coast Guard
Commanding Officer, USCGC ESCANABA (WMEC 907)
CDR Nalli is a designated Cutterman with eight years at sea. His prior afloat assignments include Deck Watch Officer and First Lieutenant USCGC MOHAWK (WMEC 913) in Key West, Florida; Executive Officer USCGC GRAND ISLE (WPB 1338) in Gloucester, Massachusetts; Commanding Officer USCGC SITKINAK (WPB 1329) in Miami, Florida; Executive Officer USCGC CAMPBELL (WMEC 909) in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
His previous assignments ashore include Command Center Duty Officer and Cutter Management Branch Chief at the First Coast Guard District in Boston, Massachusetts; Military Personnel Branch Chief at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut.
CDR Nalli is a 2000 graduate of Stonehill College, before earning a commission from Officer Candidate School in 2001. He also holds a Masters in Business Administration from Boston University.
He currently resides in Portland, Maine with his wife, Melea, and their two sons, Jackson and Lucas.