Air Station Borinquen Facilities Engineering

For Emergencies Please call: (787) 890-8470 or
(787) 890-8400 ext 8518 / 8501 / 8462
After Hours Call the OOD at (787) 890-8472 or (787) 890-8400 ext 8525
Facilities Engineering is responsible for the maintenance of the station's buildings and facilities.

 All maintenance is completed by:

1. The resident - Submitting an electronic work order

2. Engineering personnel will evaluate the request and assign
    a priority

3. The work order will be assigned to the respective 
    maintenance section (AC, electric, pluming, etc.)

4. The maintenance technician will if necessary contact the
    resident to coordinate the maintenance visit

5. Resident may provide feed back to department


 1) Maintenance personnel will contact you to coordinate the service call, they will NOT enter your house unaccompanied, unless YOU Authorize it on your request.

2) Management personnel and subcontractors will not enter a home if minors are present and not accompanied by and an adult. 

3) If there are pets in the home, request that they are properly crated and/or secured prior to the Maintenance Technician's arrival.