Sector Charleston Intelligence Department
The Sector Intelligence Officer (SIO) is the primary intelligence advisor to the Sector Commander and is responsible for defining and meeting the Commander’s information needs. The SIO acts as the Chief, Sector Intelligence Staff and is the primary point of contact for Field Intelligence Support Teams (FIST) and Command Intelligence Officers throughout the Area of Responsibility on issues related to the mission areas of the Sector.
Members of the Intel Staff act as the Coast Guard’s primary law enforcement intelligence field collectors supporting operational commanders and national decision makers. The staff is comprised of uniformed intelligence officers and petty officers, civilian intelligence specialists as well as Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) Special Agents. The primary effort of the Intel Staff is to support Coast Guard operational commanders’ intelligence requirements through collection and reporting; secondary duties include liaison with other port partners at the federal, state, local, tribal and industry levels as appropriate.
The Command Intelligence Officer (CIO) is an individual designated by Commanding Officers or Officers-in-Charge of operational commands to perform various intelligence functions for that command/unit and support the Sector Intelligence staff as necessary.
Main Numbers
(843) 576-3866 or (843)576-3823