Captain Jason Gunning
CAPT Jason Gunning is currently assigned as the Sector Commander of Coast Guard Corpus Christi serving as the Captain of the Port, Officer-in-Charge of Marine Inspection, Federal Maritime Security Coordinator, and Federal On-Scene Coordinator for South Texas.
CAPT Gunning’s career background is in marine safety, coastal security and emergency response. Most recently, he completed a staff assignment at Coast Guard Headquarters for the Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy. His prior field assignments include Sector Long Island Sound as the Prevention Department Head, Marine Safety Unit Lake Charles, LA as Executive Officer, and marine inspections tours at Activities Europe in the Netherlands and Marine Safety Office Houston. His first tours after graduating Office Candidate School in 1998 were the Coast Guard Cutters out of Galveston, TX on the PAPAW, working aids to navigation along the Texas Gulf Coast, and DAUNTLESS, conducting law enforcement patrols in the Caribbean.
CAPT Gunning’s personal awards include three Coast Guard Meritorious Service Medals, the Coast Guard Commendation Medal, three Coast Guard Achievement Medals, the Commandant’s Letter of Commendation ribbon and several unit and team awards.
CAPT Gunning grew up in Corpus Christi, TX and graduated from the University of Texas with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering before joining the Coast Guard in 1997. He also earned a master’s degree in public policy in 2012 from Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government. CAPT Gunning is married to the former Angela Segura from Houston, TX and has three children.