The 2024 Great Lakes Leadership, Diversity, & Inclusion Symposium
Register HERE - Registration ends March 29th.
Hosted by Sector Northern Great Lakes in Sault Ste Marie, MI
April 25th-26th at the Lake Superior State University (LSSU) Walker Cisler Center
"Show UP: Leading and Developing our Diverse Workforce"
This event will be held in person only without a virtual attendance option.
Join Sector Northern Great Lakes and 9th District leaders for a 1.5 day event focused on strengthening service culture, honing leadership skills, and highlighting our diverse workforce. Attendees can expect thoughtful discussions and presentations on the significance of diversity and inclusion, the value of proposition of affinity groups, while gathering practical leadership tools from subject matter experts to improve resiliency and enhance their workforce experience.
Agenda Highlights:
Strengthening Service Culture facilitated discussion
Presentations from the Coast Guard's minority Affinity Groups
Officer and Enlisted career development from OPM and EPM
Building resiliency through HSWL representatives and resources
Lunch will be available both days through Lake Superior State UNiversity dining facilities
Hosted social events the evenings of the 24th and 25th
Full agenda HERE
Travel and Lodging:
Recommended lodging location is The Ojibway Hotel in downtown Sault Ste Marie
Recommended airports:
Pellston Regional Airport (PLN) - 1.25 hours from the Sault
Chippewa International (CIU) - 30 minutes from the Sault
Travel POC is LT Dave Ball at Dave.B.Ball@uscg.mil
Event POC: LT Joseph Snyder at Joseph.D.Snyder@uscg.mil