Coast Guard Station Portage
Coast Guard Station Portage is a small boat station with an Aids to Navigation team. Our primary missions include Search and Rescue, Law Enforcement, and maintaining local Aids to navigation. Station portage's area of responsibility is encompassed by a line from the southern shoreline of Lake Superior at 089-30.0'W, thence northeasterly and southwesterly along the shoreline to 088-00.0'W, thence northeasterly to the international boundary at 087-00.0'W, thence northwesterly along the international border to 088-22.0'W to 48-11.5'N, 088-22.0'W (Blake Point Light), thence southwesterly along the southern shoreline of Isle Royale to 47-54.0'N, 088-54.0'W (Point Houghton) to 47-14.0'N, 089-30.0'W, thence due south to the point of origin.
Unit Information Sheet (17 pages)
Unit Information Sheet (7 pages)