“I began my career at age 17 and at age 45 became the First Master Chief Petty Officer of the USCG on 01 August 1969. I believe a key element to being successful is to be respectful of others and to keep the lines of communication open at all times with all levels of Command and Subordinates. I believe you also need to be a good listener. These go hand in hand in order to be successful. You need to be able to communicate as well as able to listen. I have always lived by the motto “Never Give Up." I feel that you should have important goals in your life and that you should make every effort possible to obtain these goals. Set your goals high. You are capable of being the best in everything that you want to accomplish.”
Charles L. Calhoun was the very first Master Chief Petty Officer in the Coast Guard. He began his career in the Navy where he served as a second class torpedo man during World War ll and then enlisted in the Coast Guard as a second class boatswain’s mate in 1946. He earned numerous awards during his career and was responsible for the creation of the cuttermans insignia. He fought fiercely to ensure the enlisted personnel’s opinions were heard among the command and to create our own style of uniforms that separate us from the Navy.