We hope you are excited about the prospect of sailing on the newest major cutter in the fleet. We have been entrusted to carry on the legacy and namesake of Master Chief Charles L. Calhoun and look forward to living up to his reputation of Brave and Faithful Service.
- Namesake: Charles Calhoun (20APR1925–24FEB2002)
- Builder: Huntington Ingalls Industries, Pascagoula, MS
- Sponsor: Christina Calhoun Zubowicz
- Timeline: Christened: 04 June 2022
AIRPORT: If arriving by air at Charleston International Airport, taxi service is available. The airport is 11 miles away and approximately an 18 minute drive. This is reimbursable for those traveling under orders. It is also likely your sponsor will arrange transportation if needed.
The federal law enforcement training center is where the majority of cutters are stationed and where we work on qualifications until our cutter arrives.
Address: 2000 Bainbridge Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405
CHECKING IN: Members must first check in with the Registration Desk at the Visitor's Center in Building 642 upon arrival. This is directly to the right of the entrance gate and the guards will direct you upon arrival. The Visitor’s Center is open 24 hours every day of the week. Crewmembers must have orders to be added to the approved access list as well as their CAC, and car registration. FLETC Registration Desk phone is (843) 740-3276.
ID REGISTRATION: ID cards will be issued by appointment only at the Seahawk Building (1050 Register Street) onboard FLETC. Walk-ins will be accommodated for emergencies (CAC Pin Resets; malfunctioning CAC cards). When your ID card is within 90 days of expiration, you will receive a pop-up whenever you log into a workstation - when you receive this pop-up, please be proactive. Call to make an appointment as soon as possible to prevent this situation from becoming an emergency. The contact number for the ID card office is (843)740-7070 x3606.
If you or your dependents are unable to get an appointment with Base in your desired timeframe, the following alternate DEERS facilities are available in the local area:
Address: 1008 Trident Street, North Charleston, SC 29415
Online appointments at https://rapidsappointments.dmdc.osd.mil//appointment/building.aspx?BuildingId=32 Phone Numbers: (843) 218-4300 or (843) 218-6447
Address: 218 N. Bates Street, Joint Base Charleston, SC 29404
Phone Numbers: (843) 963-2055 or (843) 963-2056
Report in uniform: Tropical blues with combination cover
Work day uniform: Operational dress uniform (ODU)
Liberty expiration: 0645
Berthing: E-6 and below berthing areas are equipped with a single head and limited to either four or six person capacity. There are no more than two racks in height. There is limited personal storage space in berthing areas, which includes one gym locker and a lock box, storage space beneath the bottom rack, and a sea bag locker. Two person staterooms are assigned to E-7 and above. Each berthing area is equipped with a TV and workstations. All single personnel E-3 and below are required to reside onboard the cutter until fully qualified. Once qualified, members will have the option to live in government barracks in Goose Creek.
Amenities aboard: A Crew’s Lounge with a TV, gaming console, religious service resources, reading materials, and workstation; Chief’s Lounge, two Laundry Rooms, and Gym. The gym is equipped with several treadmills, bikes, and weight machines. The large flight deck can also be used for work-outs. Additional storage is provided in the Sea Bag locker across from the gym.
Housing: Most choose to live on the economy. Privatized housing is also available at the Naval Weapons Station in Goose Creek as well as Joint Base Charleston in North Charleston. Government on-base housing is available at the Naval Weapons Station. Naval Weapons Station housing office phone is (843) 764-4094.
Housing application: Housing applications are mandatory for all members in receipt of PCS orders regardless of whether or not there is housing for them at their new units. In order to complete a release from housing, members must send a completed DD-1746 along with a copy of their PCS orders and 4170a to the following address:
CS1 Noel Acker: Noel.B.Acker@uscg.mil (843) 720-7747
Common living areas: Finding housing within the allotted BAH is attainable. Both www.apartmentguide.com and www.zillow.com are great sites to get local apartment information. The Automated Housing Referral Network (AHRN), www.ahrn.com, is focused only toward the military and is a great resource. The local ZIP code is 29405. Common areas for crewmembers are West Ashley, Mt. Pleasant, Summerville, Ladson, and North Charleston.
Dependent schools: The two best school districts in the area are Dorchester II in Summerville and in Mt. Pleasant. These two districts come highly recommended especially for families with special needs. Listed below are the links to all the local school districts.
Local installations:
Exchange and commissary: Sector Charleston Exchange, 15 minute drive from FLETC. The Commissary at Charleston Air Force Base is 11 miles. The Naval Weapons Station at Goose Greek also has a commissary, exchange and clothing locker/uniform shop.
- Standard and Prime Tricare levels for family medical are available at Joint Base Charleston and the Naval Weapons Station in Goose Creek. You may also contact HSC Stansberry for urgent needs and medical questions at (409) 356-0356
- The crew is highly encouraged to pursue higher education and the cutter will assist through all available means. You may contact Mrs. Eisenberger, the education service officer, at base Charleston at 196 Tradd Street, Charleston, SC. Phone: (843) 720-3294 or lisa.k.eidenberger@uscg.mil
Religious service: Lay Leaders are designated onboard to carry out religious services while CALHOUN is away from homeport. CALHOUN is also supported by the Chaplain of D7 Sector Charleston, SC to Jacksonville, FL. See for more information: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/sectCharleston/Chaplain.asp
Upon reporting: All members must complete the 21 Day Indoctrination Package. Following completion, unqualified break-ins are on a 1 in 3 rotation until they obtain their first qualification.
- E-5 and below will stand Gangway Petty Officer of the Watch (GPOW) and Security Watch stander. E-6 and above will stand either OOD or EOW depending on their rate. Rotation for E-6 and above varies based on qualified personnel.
- Engineering E-5 and below will stand machinery, Deck and Navigation Division E-5 and below will stand Boswainmate of the Watch (BMOW) and Quartermaster of the Watch (QMOW). Combat Information Center division E-5 and below will stand CIC Watch stander. E-6 and above will typically stand Underway EOW, Underway OOD, or CIC Watch Supervisor respectively.
Timelines for qualifications as required:
Core DC (21 Day Packet): Within 21 days of reporting aboard
Basic DC: Within 3 months of reporting aboard
Advanced DC: Within 6 months of reporting aboard
Repair Party Electrician: 1 month after completing Advanced DC qualification
On-Scene Leader: 1 month after completing Advanced DC qualification
Repair Locker Leader: 1 month after completing On-Scene Leader qualification
Security Watch stander: Within 4 months of reporting aboard
Gangway Petty Officer of the Watch: Within 4 months of reporting aboard
Machinery Watch stander: Within 6 months underway
Inport Engineer of the Watch: 2 months after completing Machinery Watch stander Underway Engineer of the Watch: Within 6 months underway
Fuel Oil and Water King: Within 6 months of reporting aboard
Inport Officer of the Deck: Within 6 months of reporting aboard
Underway Officer of the Deck: Within 6 months underway
Helm / Lookout: Within 3 months underway
Quartermaster of the Watch: Within 3 months of completing Helm/Lookout
CIC Watchstander: Within 3 months underway
CIC Watch Supervisor: Within 6 months underway
Duty Gunners Mate: Within 6 months of reporting aboard
Duty Electronics Technician: Within 3 months of reporting aboard
Duty Information Systems Technician: Within 3 months of reporting aboard
AT/FP/Detainee Watchstander: Within 6 months of reporting aboard
Boarding Officer / Force Protection Officer: Within 6 months of reporting aboard
Combat Systems Officer of the Watch: Within 4 months of reporting aboard
Boatswain’s Mate of the Watch: Within 3 months underway
Coxswain: Within 6 months of reporting aboard
Boat Crewman / Engineer: Within 3 months of reporting aboard
Boat Deck Capt.: Within 3 months underway
Boat Deck SN: Within 1 month underway
Davit Operator: Within 2 months underway
HCO / LSO / Flight Deck OSL: Within 3 months underway
Typical SN/SA assignment: Primary responsibilities of an SN/SA will be qualifying in Lookout and Helmsman, damage control procedures and may include Helicopter tie-down and Cutter Rescue Swimmer. They will also participate in operations of the Deck Division, such as small boat maintenance, painting, general cleaning, boat crewmember, line handler and mess-cooking.
Typical FN/FA assignment: Primary responsibilities of an FN/FA will be qualifying as an engineering watch stander, performing maintenance and repair of mechanical systems (Main Propulsion and Auxiliary Systems), qualifying in damage control procedures, mess-cooking, general cleaning, and small boat engineer.